Thanks to our fabulous team of volunteers, sales and equipment donations are going well.
March Promotion: Bring a friend with you to shop, and you can BOTH get lucky! If you both buy a computer, you both get $5.00 off. Any government aid program participants get an additional $10 off with proof of participation. Includes free/reduced lunch, housing assistance, or SNAP EBT card.
While we expect to maintain our Wednesday (3:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.) and Saturday (9:00 a.m. -12 noon) schedule for operations, we are accessible for questions and support via email most days.
Reach out if you have questions about our products or services for your clients OR your office. We're here to help you stretch your tech dollars, too!
New Emails
I'm SUPER happy to share that we have a new email address. You can now catch us at
New Sign
In the photo, Board member and founder Joe McGuire puts the finishing touches on our revamped sign. CCR board members are required to be actively engaged in the operation of our business.
Know someone with a fondness for tech or social impact? We welcome new volunteers!
Cincinnati Computer Reuse
49 Novner Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45215
(513) 771-3262